Finding the Right Talent with AEON Solar

As companies look to capitalize on the growth of commercial and industrial solar, finding the right talent for the right roles has never been more crucial. AEON Solar, a division of AEON Staffing Group, can help.

Solar Industry Outlook

Stemming from declining costs, technological improvements, and an increase in environmental awareness and government incentives, the commercial and industrial solar industry has been experiencing robust growth. Innovations across photovoltaic efficiency and energy storage technologies are enhancing the sector's viability, making solar power increasingly competitive with traditional energy sources. Looking ahead, the future of commercial and industrial solar is promising. Continued advancements in solar technology paralleled by continued government support and a growing emphasis on energy sustainability will drive further growth. As a result, the industry is poised to continue creating jobs as it cements its role as a cornerstone in the global transition towards cleaner and more sustainable energy.


Global Solar Market Size


Market Growth since 2022


Number of Solar Jobs in the US


Number of Solar Jobs Added Each Week in the US

The AEON Process

Backed by over 15 years of successfully matching employers to the right talent

Step One: Understanding Your Business

At AEON Staffing Group, we believe that being a true partner to your business begins with understanding your business and aligning with your values and strategic objectives.

Step Two: Understanding Your Hiring Needs

Having a better alignment and awareness of your business, we’ll thoroughly and effeciently learn about your specific hiring needs.

Step Three: Finding and Assessing the Right Talent

With an acute knowledge of your hiring needs, we’ll find and present highly qualified candidates for your role that align with both your technical requirements as well as your core values.

Step Four: Interviewing & Selection

After presenting you with qualified candidates, our job is far from over. Through the interview stages and offer process, we will ensure that all candidates are aligned on expectations, thoroughly prepared for all interviews, and are excited to move forward with your opportunity.

Step Five: Onboarding

Lastly, we'll maintain consistent communication with each new hire up until and beyond their start date to ensure that they have everything they need to excel within your company.

Temporary Staffing Solutions

Our temporary staffing services provide you with highly qualified professionals to fill your short-term and mid-term needs. Through a tried and true process, we meticulously match candidates to your requirements, ensuring both a technical and cultural fit for your team.

Permanent Placement Solutions

Our permanent placement services help you find exceptional, long-term talent for your organization. Utilizing an extensive network and industry expertise, we’re able to identify and provide top talent that align with your company’s strategic objectives.

Executive Recruitment Solutions

Our executive recruitment solutions are specialized services designed to meet the more unique needs of employers. With experience across numerous industries and specializations, we have the expertise to deliver exceptional results.

Looking for talent consulting services?

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